The week of March 4th will be dedicated to training and development in CLEX. We will be holding a series of workshops at UNSW and encourage CLEX researchers to apply for multiple workshops throughout the week. If participants need to travel to Sydney to attend the workshops, they should first talk to their supervisors to seek funds to support their travel. If need be, funding request can also be submitted via CLEVER. It will be individual participants responsibility to book their own travel and accommodation. Please do not do this until your space has been confirmed in the workshops.
March 4 – Machine learning science workshop
Organisers – UNSW AI institute, CLEX, CCRC, and UNSW Data Science Hub
The Machine Learning-Climate Science workshop offers a collaborative space for those interested in integrating Machine Learning (ML) into their climate research, as well as for ML specialists keen on creating tools to tackle climate challenges. During the workshop you will have the opportunity to present your research ideas, learn from experts about integrating ML into your research, and initiate new collaborative research projects. The workshop will also feature talks exploring the intersection of Climate Science and ML.
Please note: You must complete your registration for this event using a separate registration form https://forms.office.com/r/t1PVrYfLyi?origin=lprLink
March 5-7 – scientific paper writing workshop- Level up your academic writing
Facilitator- Steve Danczak- CSIRO Publishing
This workshop gives you the skills and confidence to write scientific papers for successful publication in leading scientific journals.
This is a 3-day in-person workshop.
You will:
- Understand the culture of science publishing and why it is important to publish
- Develop the skills required to write well-structured and easy-to-read scientific articles, including the ability to be precise, clear, concise and interesting
- Create drafts or paragraphs and outlines of their academic writing
- Apply writing, editing and time management techniques to their academic writing
- Produce written material that leverages the insights into editorial decision-making and the peer-review process
- Understand the protocols and ethics of scientific publication
March 8 morning- Building a Community of Care: skills for resilience together
Facilitator- Beth Hill – Program Development Coordinator
Time: 9am-12.30pm
Psychology for a Safe Climate
This workshop aims to offer participants a time for reflection about the stressful work that they do together (and alone).
Learning outcomes:
- Exploration of the challenges of working in the climate space as a researcher
- Exploration of strengths and challenges of working in teams
- Tools to recognise signs of overstretch and burnout
- Skills to support people to protect themselves individually as well as the team together to build resilience
- Mindful Self-Compassion
- The workshop has a participatory focus with exercises designed around small group discussion and reflection
March 8 afternoon- Data visualisation and communication
Facilitator- James Goldie – Data and Digital Storytelling Lead with 360info
Time: 1.30-4.30pm
Feel like your plots aren’t cutting through with your colleagues? Want something sharper the next time your paper is picked up the media? In this workshop, James will show you some easy ways to improve your plots, charts and maps, with an emphasis on group discussion and experimentation.
We’ll be using R for this workshop—but you won’t need any tools setup or coding experience, and the skills you learn will be useful regardless of how you build data visualisations.
Register here for March 5 – 8 workshops: https://tinyurl.com/TrainingWeek-2024
Register here for March 4 Machine Learning workshop: https://forms.office.com/r/t1PVrYfLyi?origin=lprLink
Registrations close Wednesday January 31st