This award accepts applications on a rolling basis to promote the leadership development amongst our women and other underrepresented groups within CLEX.
The intent of this award is to make a meaningful contribution to the careers and professional development of women and other underrepresented groups by addressing some of the key issues that hinder their career progression. In the context of this award, examples of underrepresented groups may include Indigenous Australians, people with a disability, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, LGBTIQ people, etc. Essentially groups who are largely invisible among senior STEM leaders in Australia as well as those who experience bias or discrimination in the broader community. The main purpose of this award is to fund an opportunity that would otherwise be unavailable which will provide a genuine beneficial outcome on the career of the awardee by developing leadership skills, confidence and assisting the awardee to overcome barriers.
Centre funded postdocs and early-mid career AIs who are women or from under-represented groups are eligible to apply, with up to $10,000 offered for each award given.
The award must be used to fund career development opportunities not usually funded by the centre, or home institutions. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Leadership development courses and programs (see below for some suggestions)
- Attendance of conferences/workshops that promote leadership development and/or career enhancement
- Career mentoring and/or coaching
- Your HR department or local EDI committee may have recommendations
- Other professional skills development that may lead to future job prospects, career enhancement or leadership capability for the recipient
- AGSM authentic communicator
- Academy of Science STEM Women Resources
Funds must be used to support activities that enhance the development of the recipient’s career in the (broadly defined) climate sciences.
The funds must be spent within 18 months of being awarded and prior to the cessation of the awardee’s formal affiliation to CLEX. A short report on how the funds have been utilised, benefits and lessons learned will be required after they have been spent.
Applications are accepted at any time throughout the year. To apply, applicants must submit a brief CV and a statement (max. of 2 pages) on what they would use the funds for and how it would enhance their career development. Please provide a detailed outline of how the career advancement fund will be invested.
Applications will be assessed by the CLEX Diversity and Culture committee. Please contact the chair of the committee, Melissa Hart, if you have any questions about the fellowship, eligibility, or application process.
Applications should address the following criteria in their application statement:
1. Provide a statement on how this fellowship will contribute to the career of the applicant
2. Address how this award will assist the applicant to overcome disadvantages they face because of their gender or other minority status/es.
Please send applications to Melissa Hart melissa.hart@unsw.edu.au