Category: CMS
CMS talk: Introduction to Bash – Part 4
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) covers some basic Bash topics
CMS talk: Introduction to Bash – Part 3
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) covers some basic Bash topics – variables, loops (for, while, until).
CMS talks: Introduction to Bash – Part 2
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) covers some basic Bash topics
CMS talks: Introduction to Bash – Part 1
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) covers some basic Bash topics
CMS talks: Git Part 2
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) continues an overview of the Git version control system
CMS talks: Git Part 1
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) talks about using Git and version control.
CMS talks: Converting to Python 3
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) covers how to convert a Python 2 script to Python 3
CMS training – Clef: discovering CMIP6
Paola Petrelli (CLEX CMS) and Kate Snow (NCI) talk about CMIP6 and Clef, the tool CMS have developed for searching CMIP datasets at NCI.
CMS training – new Payu features
Aidan Heerdegen (CLEX CMS) talks about new features in Payu, and how to run ACCESS-OM2.
CMS training – running the UM with Rose and Cylc overview
Scott Wales (CLEX CMS) gives an overview of how to run ACCESS 2 and the Unified Model with the Rose/Cylc interface.