Publications (affiliation, reporting)

ARC Centre Of Excellence for Climate Extremes
Policy and Procedure:Publications (affiliation, reporting)
Date Written:29th June 2017Latest Revision:29th June 2017 1 Jun 2018 (logo updated, flowchart added)
Author:AJ PitmanApproved:2 Aug 2017

Preamble:         An important component of Centre activity is publications. To be reported against the Centre, a publication has to acknowledge the Centre. This policy provides guidance on how to best do this.

Definitions:       Publication types are guided by Australian HERDC categories (A1, B1, C1, etc) However reporting of Centre outputs isn’t restricted only to HERDC-eligible outputs. We are interested in your research outputs such as contributions to reports, submissions to government etc.

Policy:               The Centre is required to track and report annually to the ARC on its research outputs. This relates to any publication with a CLEX affiliation in the by-line or an acknowledgement of Centre support.

We also like to be able to publicise our research findings via traditional and new media. CLEX staff and students are therefore required to follow this procedure document to inform the Centre on upcoming or recent publications.


Affiliation:          The preference is to include a byline: for example:

A. N. Other1,2

1ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, Institution X, City Y, Australia.

2Your own institutional affiliation

An alternative is to include in the acknowledgments:

We acknowledge support from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CE170100023).

Please remember to also acknowledge NCI and other ARC grants as appropriate.

There is no problem acknowledging multiple ARC funding sources on one paper. It would be common that an ARC Discovery grant benefitted from help linked to running models, publishing data and so on even if there is no actual research funding. However please ensure individual authors do not acknowledge both the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science in the same paper. This risks accusations of duplication of funding. There may be instances where one author on a paper acknowledges one Centre and another author acknowledges the other. Please speak to the COO or Director if you have concerns.

Reporting:         We need each publication/research output reported via the Centre’s Clever reporting database. This information can be provided once a paper has been accepted for publication or upon publication.

Once you are logged in to the appropriate page, please provide the flowing information:

  • The DoI of the publication. If the publication does not have a DoI (e.g. it is a book chapter, report, refereed conference proceeding etc, please provide full citation details and a url in the Clever form
  • A ~100 word plain English summary. This isn’t just a cut and paste from your abstract. It should be pitched so that an interested lay-person can gain a basic understanding of the nature and content of the publication.