Max Planck Earth System Modelling School (EaSyMS 2019)

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany, invites for its annual Earth System Modelling School (EaSyMS 2019). EaSyMS 2019 is offered as a 1-week event in Hamburg.

You can find the preliminary agenda, here (pdf).

What is offered?

The school introduces the fundamental processes and dynamics of the natural Earth system. The module includes lectures on the different geophysical and biogeochemical Earth system components (atmosphere, ocean, land) and on their representation in the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM). Using the super-computing resources of the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ), participants will employ MPI-ESM in shock experiments designed to demonstrate the complexity of interactions in the Earth system. The main part of the school is devoted to the analysis of the simulation results in ‘hands on sessions’. Here, the participants will develop their own understanding of the simulation results guided by hypotheses for simulation outcome formulated in group work in advance. They will present their results for discussion with all participants and tutors in a final seminar.

Who is addressed?

This summer school module of IMPRS-ESM aims at early career scientists (advanced MSc candidates, PhD candidates, early Postdocs) with a strong background in Geo- or Earth system sciences (including physics and mathematics). Participants should possess at least moderate scientific computing and programming skills.


  • CV
  • Short motivational statement (200–250 words, preferably as email text)
  • Certificate of completed study program (bachelor’s/master’s degree or equivalent)
  • Records with grade point average (GPA) (transcribed if not in German or English)
  • Language certificate or other proof demonstrating your proficiency in spoken English

Please send applications until June 30, 2019, electronically to

When: Monday, September 16 to Friday, September 20, 2019

Where: Universität Hamburg, Bundesstrasse 55, GEOMATIKUM building 15th floor, seminar room 1528 (for talks) and terminal rooms G1536 a-c (for ‘hands on’)

Further information: The overall course duration is scheduled for roughly 6 * 8 hours. IMPRS-ESM doctoral candidates will earn 2 IMPRS credit points for successful participation. There are no fees involved. Board & lodging need to be organized individually by participants.