Equity, Diversity and Culture

A key pillar of the CLEX strategic plan is to provide an outstanding environment for all centre activities. The CLEX Diversity and Culture Committee is responsible for developing and implementing a range of initiatives in the Centre to raise awareness and enhance equity and inclusion across the spectrums of gender, ethnic and cultural background, sexual orientation, physical ability and neurodiversity. The committee is also responsible for providing sound advice and developing initiatives on issues such as mental health, work-life balance and the centre’s culture. 

Committee Members

Co-Chairs: A/Prof Melissa Hart (UNSW) & Stephen Gray (UNSW)
Dr Georgy Flaster (ANU)
Prof Christian Jakob (Monash)
Stephy Libera (UTAS)
Dr Andrea Taschetto (UNSW)

Equity Plan

The Committee has produced an extensive equity plan that guides our efforts in the diversity and culture space. You can download a copy of the plan from the link below.