Educational Resources

If you have any inquiries or suggestions for this page, please contact Sanaa Hobeichi

Lesson plans to integrate climate topics across the curricula, across the globe

Climate Science
Set of courses and lesson plans on climate change

Cool Australia
Collection of lesson plans aligned to the Australian curriculum

Climate Classrooms
Educational resources mapped to the Australian curriculum. Initially developed at the Climate Classrooms workshops

Collection of lesson plans and activities on climate change, STEM, K-12.

NASA Wavelength
Collection of educational resources on the global climate

Earth and climate quizzes

Collection of educational resources on climate impacts

Schools Weather & Air Quality
Testing air quality in the Sydney basin

Datasets and graphs

Climate Watch
Historical GHGs emission data

Schools Weather & Air Quality

Bureau of Meteorology
Australian climate variability and change graphs

Global temperature anomalies data

NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
Interactive Global emissions map and data

my NASA data
Classroom activities and lessons using Earth System data

Climate Modelling

Project your future climate

Monash Simple Climate Model
What happens when you change our planet?

Very Simple Climate Model
Explore scenarios for future climate

Climate Interactive
Collection of interactive climate simulation models

IPCC Interactive Atlas
A tool for viewing and analysing observed and projected climate change

Recommended Reading

Book: Earth matters: loving our planet, by Carole Wilkinson.
Book: Ladybird book on climate change, by the Prince of Wales
Book: Teaching the Language of Climate Change Science, by Julie Hayes and Bronwyn Parkin
Magazine: Past Global Changes Horizons by Vannière B, Gil-Romera G & Eggleston S.

Meet the climate Experts

A climate scientist takes on the comments section.
Meet Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick.