Annual Workshop 2023

State Library of Queensland, Brisbane 21 – 23 November 2023

2023 Workshop at a glance

Location: State Library of Queensland, South Bank Brisbane QLD

Date: 5:30pm Monday 20 November to 3:15pm Thursday 23 November

Registration Cost: Registrations closed.

Dinner venue: Customs House, 399 Queen St, Brisbane City QLD

Main contacts: Jenny Rislund (0424 622 411) and Vilia Co (0404 088 998)

Workshop themes and science talks

Plenary sessions will be divided into four themes, intentionally kept broad to encourage and enhance cross-research program interest and collaboration:

The Land of Drought and Flooding Rain: Science that has improved process-based understanding and/or predictability of droughts or extreme rainfall

Science for Impact and Engagement: Science that has engaged and made a significant impact with the wider world

Climate Science Advances: methods, modelling and understanding: Climate science advances and improved climate extremes understanding through the application of better theoretical understanding, new/novel statistical techniques, observational methods and/or modelling

Climate Surprises: What do we understand about climate extremes’ surprises? For example, the recent northern hemisphere heatwaves, the extent of ocean temperature extremes, triple-dip La Nina, etc

Posters and lightening lectures

The main form of presentation of scientific results at the workshop will be by poster. All attendees are encouraged to bring a poster that outlines work in progress.

Recommended size is A0 portrait but if you already have a smaller poster ready and relevant to your current work then bring that along. Please note that landscape poster will not fit the poster boards!

Poster presenters will also have an opportunity to spruik their work prior to the poster session via a 60 second lightning lecture; the more creative the better. Song, dance, poetry, costumes, props are all encouraged! Poster registrations closed.

Visit for poster and Power Point templates.



Click on the image for poster session guidelines

Breakout Sessions

Breakout sessions will run in parallel on the afternoons of Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 November (days 1 and 2 of the full workshop program). The intent of these optional sessions is to provide an opportunity for people working on (or interested in) particular topics to come together and discuss in an informal setting. Sessions are optional to attend.

Tuesday breakout sessions  

Tuesday Breakout sessions 16:15 – 17:15

Making engaging and informative media statements
Facilitated by: Kim Reid
Location: Heritage Collections Learning Room (level 4)

Rainbows in the Forecast
Facilitated by: Alexander Borowiak, Isabelle Greco and Ruby Lieber
Location: Meeting Room 1B (level 1)

Hybrid climate model with neural network atmosphere
Facilitated by: Jemma Jeffree
Location: The Studio (level 1)

Wednesday breakout sessions 16:00 – 17:00

Gentle Yoga and Guided Meditation
Facilitated by: Jane Toohey
The Studio (level 1)

The state of weather and climate extremes report 2023
Facilitated by: Angela Kaplish, Alice Wilson and Georgie Harmer
Location: Heritage Collections Learning Room (level 4)

Think you know everything about MIPs?
Facilitated by: Julie Arblaster and Nicola Maher
Location: Meeting Room 1B (level 1)

Mentoring Circles

When you arrive at the workshop you will find that your nametag has a number below your name;  this is your mentoring circle. You can also see who else is in your mentoring circle in the attached list. Be sure to seek out your circle members when you arrive at the workshop and at the welcome drinks.

Mentoring circles have been developed to facilitate interaction and discussion among workshop attendees that may not have happened otherwise. You will note that your group consists of people from a range of institutions, research programs, and levels of research “age”.

It is our hope that the relationships you form with those in your group during our workshop dinner continues throughout the workshop, and beyond.

Each circle will sit together at the workshop dinner and there are some, small, additional tasks for everyone to undertake throughout the workshop:

1.       All– visit posters for members of your networking circle.

2.      Mid-late career researchers– introduce the early career researchers in your circle to at least
one person you think they should know. 

3.      Early career researchers– ask mid-late career researchers in your circle about the greatest
challenge faced in their career thus far, and how they overcame it.

Click here to see your mentoring circle.

ECR Day and ECR social event

ECR Day: Auditorium 2, State Library of Queensland, South Bank Brisbane

12.00 – 5.00pm, Monday November 20th
Lunch will be held at Queensland Terrace

ECR social event: Brisbane City botanic gardens
Leaving the SLQ at 5.30pm, Tuesday November 21st

2023 Workshop Committee

Jenny Rislund (UNSW)

Vilia Co (UNSW)

Rachael Ipshording (UNSW)

Lisa Alexander (UNSW)

Yawen Shao (UMelb)

Neil Holbrook (UTAS)

Information being updated- keep an eye on this page!